House 2 Home partners with Retrofit Ireland

House 2 Home Retrofit Ltd. has partnered with Retrofit Ireland to expand operations to the South and South East of Ireland. This is great news for customers who can now avail of nationwide home energy improvements from two of the country’s most trusted and experienced providers that are both 100% Irish owned. House 2 Home was

House 2 Home partners with Retrofit Ireland

House 2 Home Retrofit Ltd. has partnered with Retrofit Ireland to expand operations to the South and South East of Ireland. This is great news for customers who can now avail of nationwide home energy improvements from two of the country’s most trusted and experienced providers that are both 100% Irish owned. House 2 Home was

Save energy while cooking Christmas Dinner

For some budding home chefs 2020 will be the first time they attempt the most important meal of the year. Others have been mastering it for decades.  Cooking a massive meal can drain quite alot of energy, which is bad for your pocket and the environment. But it is possible to take some simple steps

COVID – 19 Safety and Operations Update

UPDATE 12/4/2021 : UNDER CURRENT LEVEL 5 WE ARE OPEN FOR ALL HOME ENERGY UPGRADES At House 2 Home we are strictly adhering to government guidelines in relation to COVID- 19. Our teams are committed to following safety measures instructed by the CIF and HSE in order to protect our customers and staff during this

Home Heating is an essential service – Replace your boiler

Home Heating is an essential service at all times, including during COVID-19 If your boiler is giving you trouble it’s easy and safe to have it replaced by House 2 Home. There are even government grants available of up to €700 for installing a new boiler with heating controls. Upgrading your boiler and heating controls could

6 Reasons to invest in a Solar PV system

Solar energy is the future. There’s lots of great reasons why you should install a Solar PV system in your home today. Did you know that Sunlight travels the 90 million miles to Earth in 10 minutes? For years we have used the sun to dry our clothes, now it’s time to use it to power our

How to Improve your BER

If you want a cosier warmer home you may need to improve your BER (Building Energy Rating). The good news is that this will also save you money on your energy bills and help reduce carbon emissions. Optimising the performance of your home energy system will also increase the value of your property in some