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Creating a Budget for Your Deep Retrofit Project

Creating a Budget for Your Deep Retrofit Project

Embarking on a deep retrofit project is not just an investment in your property; it's a commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. However, understanding the costs involved and devising a well-thought-out budget is crucial for a successful and financially...

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Energy Upgrades guaranteed to reduce your energy bills

The cost of home energy bills is increasing across the globe due to a rise in the cost of fossil fuels. As the winter months approach most of us are turning our heating back on for the first time and worrying about those expensive bills. The good news is that with a...

Budget 2022 Ireland – Home Energy Upgrades

Part of this Budget 2022 has arrived and there is lots of good news for homeowners looking to carry out home energy upgrades this year.  A total of €858 million overall has been allocated to the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. €368 million...

Extensions, Renovations and New Builds

Extensions, Renovations and New Builds

Whether you are building your first home, or extending your existing building, House2Home is the One-Stop-Shop for all of your needs. We provide a full design & construct service, all under one roof. We engage with Architects and Engineers, and liaise with you to...

Insulation Methods

Insulation Methods

Did you know that there are different ways to insulate the exterior walls of your home? The first step is to see how the building was built: Are the walls made with cavity blocks, or is there two walls built side by side with a cavity between them. The latter is...

Benefits of Replacing Your Doors & Windows

There are myriad benefits to replacing your property’s windows & doors. In addition to cutting your energy bills & reducing your impact on the environment, you will also increase what realtors refer to as curb appeal...

The Importance of an efficient Heating System

With the cold weather truly set in, the price of fossil fuel on the increase and generous grants available there has never been a better time to invest in your heating system. You could save significant amounts by replacing inefficient boilers with new...

Efficient Boilers Key to Saving Money

Efficient Boilers Key to Saving Money

Did you know that your home heating boiler could be running at an efficiency as low as 50%? In simple terms, for every €1 on your gas or oil bill, 50 cents are not being used! Now calculate your yearly spend on oil or gas and remove half of it. Would you prefer to...

Three Benefits of Solar Energy for Your Home

Three Benefits of Solar Energy for Your Home

We often hear people waxing lyrical about how efficient solar energy is and how good it is for the environment. Although we hear these superlatives about solar energy all the time, what do we actually know about solar energy and how does it benefit us and our homes...


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