As we adjust to ‘the new normal’ many of us will be working from home for some time. This could mean your energy bills get alot more expensive as you spend more time in your new ‘office’. Of course, it’s always recommended to upgrade your heating system and insulate your home but there’s lots you can do to save energy.  We have put together some handy tips to help you stay on top of your energy usage.

Smart Heating Controls

Smart Heating controls will make sure that the temperature is regulated to your preference. No more leaving the heating on for the afternoon accidentally as you power through Zoom calls!

Hands off the kettle

For most of us, a day’s work comes with a healthy dose of tea or coffee. This can lead to you boiling the kettle lots throughout the day which uses more ene4rgy than you’d think. Why not make a big pot in the morning or even better get a flask to keep it warm for refills during the day.

Make use of natural light

You are going to need to set up shop somewhere in your home that is quiet. If possible choose a space with alot of natural light so that you don’t have to leave lights on all day.

Zoned Heating

It can be chilly working from home, especially in the winter months. If you are confined to one room for most of the day than you could be wasting energy and money heating rooms you aren’t in. You’ll also be potentially be heating your hot water tank! Install zoned heating and take full control of your system.

Change your bulbs

LED lightbulbs are far more energy efficient than the traditional kind. Switching your old lightbulbs for modern ones is a great way to save energy on the cheap.

Shut down when you shut off

After your workday comes to a close make sure that you turn off your computer and all of your work appliances. Leaving everything on standby still uses some electricity.

Smart eating

The chances are you’ll be eating alot more from home. Try batch cooking your lunches for the week as if you were heading to the office. If you find the dishwasher is getting turned on more often than usual, use the Eco setting!

For more information on any of our products or services, please contact our home energy specialists.