With winter approaching, it’s a good time to assess whether your home is ready to keep you warm and comfortable. Deep retrofits are one of the most effective ways to make sure your home is up to the task.

What Exactly Is a Deep Retrofit?

Deep retrofits are more than just a quick fix or minor upgrade. It’s a comprehensive overhaul of your home’s energy systems designed to significantly improve efficiency, comfort, and sustainability. Instead of merely upgrading a single element like your boiler or adding some insulation, a deep retrofit looks at your home as a whole.

It typically involves a range of measures—from insulating walls and roofs to replacing windows, upgrading heating systems and incorporating renewable energy sources like solar panels or heat pumps.

Why Should Irish Homeowners Consider a Deep Retrofit Now?

As winter approaches, ensuring your home is energy-efficient becomes not just a matter of comfort but also of financial and environmental responsibility. Here’s why a deep retrofit makes sense right now:

Reduce Energy Costs: Winter can send your energy bills soaring, especially in older, draughty homes. A deep retrofit improves insulation and heating efficiency, reducing the energy needed to stay warm and cutting down on costs. In Ireland’s unpredictable energy market, this can lead to significant savings.

Enhance Comfort and Health: Irish winters are tough, and no one wants to shiver indoors. Deep retrofits tackle issues like poor insulation and air leaks, helping your home retain heat. This keeps you cosy without overusing your heating system and also helps reduce dampness and mould, which can impact health.

Boost Property Value: Energy efficiency is increasingly important to homebuyers. A deep retrofit not only lowers your bills and improves comfort but also raises your home’s Building Energy Rating (BER), making it more attractive on the market and increasing its long-term value.

Support Climate Goals: Ireland is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and retrofitting homes is a crucial part of that effort. By upgrading your home, you contribute to lowering the national carbon footprint, helping to fight climate change while improving your living conditions.

How to Get Started with a Deep Retrofit Before Winter

If you’re considering a deep retrofit, the time to act is now—before the winter chill sets in. Here’s how to begin:

Home Energy Assessment: Check for draughts and high heating bills as signs of energy loss. House2Home is offering a discounted energy assessment for €350, including a detailed BER evaluation. This will help you identify where your home needs improvements before winter.

Plan and Prioritise: Use the assessment results to plan your retrofit. Focus on upgrades like insulation and heating that will provide the most benefit before winter. Consult a retrofit specialist to design a plan that maximises energy savings within your budget.

Explore Financial Support: SEAI grants can make retrofits more affordable. House2Home can help you apply for these grants and will deduct the grant amount directly from your bill, reducing your upfront costs.

Hire Reputable Contractors: Ensure your retrofit is done right by hiring experienced professionals. House2Home will handle this for you, ensuring that quality workmanship enhances the longevity and effectiveness of your energy-saving improvements.

As we approach winter, the comfort and efficiency of your home should be top of mind. A deep retrofit offers a solution that not only prepares your home for the season ahead but also provides lasting benefits in terms of cost savings, increased property value and environmental impact.


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