What is a BER Certificate?

A Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate demonstrates the energy efficiency of your home. The certificate rates your home on a scale of A-G. You may have noticed a similar graphic and rating on your household appliances.. A-rated homes are more comfortable and will tend to have the lowest energy bills. G-rated homes are more expensive to run and tend to be alot colder.


What is a HLI Report?

A Heat Loss Indicator Report measures the total heat loss of your property per metre squared of dwelling floor area. This is calculated using DEAP software after an initial survey of your home

Why do I need a pre-works BER and HLI?

If you are planning to improve your home to make it warmer, more comfortable and less expensive to run you will need to have a BER assessment and HLI completed. This is a complex set of tests that measure the energy efficiency of your property. The resulting technical reports will help us to create a bespoke plan to upgrade the energy efficiency of your home and guarantee a BER uplift. Securing a pre-works BER is a necessary step for grant application from the SEAI. After the reports are completed you will receive documentation that is valid for 10 years.


What documentation do I receive after a BER assessment?

After the assessment is completed you will receive the following documents that are bepoke to your property:


BER certificate

Technical BER Documentation

 Heat Loss Indicator (HLI) report

Link to software calculation that can be used for future home improvmements

Proposed Works with garunteed BER uplift (if you choose to proceed)



How long is BER certification valid for?

Your BER cert is valid for 10 years.

How much does a BER Assessment cost?

The cost of a Pre works BER is €676.50. This includes a BER certificate, HLI report, Technical Assessment, Proposed Works and a link to software calculation.

Is it an SEAI grant requirement? (Is it needed for my grant)

A pre works BER assessment is a requirement for the National Housing Retrofit scheme.

How long does a BER assessment take?

A BER assessment is made up two parts. Our assessor will visit your home to take measurements and conduct some tests. This can take up to one hour. Following this the results are calculated using the deep software provided by the SEAI. Please allow for two weeks from the date of the home survey to all BER and HLI documentation being delivered.

Can I claim money back from the SEAI for my BER Assessment?

The SEAI offer a grant to the value of €50 for a BER assessment. This must be claimed by the homeowner directly after the assessment is carried out.