Embarking on a deep retrofit project is not just an investment in your property; it’s a commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. However, understanding the costs involved and devising a well-thought-out budget is crucial for a successful and financially viable venture. In this blog post, we’ll break down the costs associated with deep retrofitting, offer budgeting tips, explore potential financing options and shed light on available incentives and rebates.


Understanding Deep Retrofit Costs: A Breakdown

Dive into the intricacies of deep retrofit costs with our section covering the Home Energy Assessment and Cost Calculator. These essential tools offer insights and financial guidance for effective energy efficiency improvements.

Home Energy Assessment 

For a limited time only, homeowners can avail themselves of a comprehensive home energy assessment at the exclusive rate of €350. This assessment offers invaluable insights into optimising energy efficiency and reducing utility costs, involving a professional evaluation of the property’s energy consumption, insulation levels and overall performance.

Cost Calculator
Secondly, utilise our Cost Calculator to gain a comprehensive overview of your project’s financial landscape. This tool not only provides estimates for project costs but also highlights available grants that can significantly offset expenses. Moreover, the Cost Calculator offers insights into potential financing options, including low-cost credit union solutions with associated Annual Percentage Rates (APRs).



Budgeting Tips for a Deep Retrofit

Efficient budgeting is key for a successful deep retrofit. Prioritise upgrades, research local costs and incorporate a contingency to navigate unforeseen challenges.

Prioritise Upgrades

Identify the most critical upgrades based on your Home Energy Assessment. Prioritising improvements can help manage costs effectively.

Research Local Costs

Research local contractors and suppliers to get accurate cost estimates. Prices can vary based on location, so it’s essential to gather quotes specific to your region.

Incorporate Contingency

Furthermore, unexpected issues may arise during the retrofit. Include a contingency fund in your budget to account for unforeseen expenses.

Government Incentives

As a One Stop Shop registered with SEAI, House 2 Home is equipped to oversee home energy upgrades in collaboration with your local builder. Our team of energy experts will assist your builder at every stage, ensuring that their work aligns with SEAI standards. This entitles you to access grant funding of up to €35,000, exclusively available when your project is managed by a One Stop Shop.

Upon SEAI approval for grant funding under this scheme, the corresponding amount will be promptly deducted from the total project cost. You won’t need to wait until the project is finished to benefit from this funding; it is discounted immediately by House2Home.

An Investment In The Future

Deep retrofitting is an investment that pays off in the long run through reduced energy bills, increased property value and a smaller environmental footprint. By carefully budgeting, exploring financing options and taking advantage of available incentives, you can embark on a deep retrofit project with confidence, knowing that you’re making a wise investment in the future of your home and the planet.

Energy Upgrade Calculator

In just 3 minutes our Energy Upgrade Calculator will estimate your home upgrade costs